School day 2023-2024

We already have available the teaching schedule for the next academic year 2023-2024! #colegiosanjosémadrid #tellistas #2023/2024 #primaria #eso #infantil


Anti-harassment mailbox

Frente al #acosoescolar decimos ¡no! Revive el Flashmob de todos nuestros alumnos,donde nos unimos con una sola voz. Respeta y ayuda siempre. ¡We are one! #colegiosanjosémadrid #tellistas #convivenciaescolar #contigosicontigosiempre https://youtu.be/F_1RCF4wti0

Floral Offering to Mary


Terminar el mes de Mayo con flores a Maria y una oración hecha con el corazón todos juntos,alumnos, profesores y religiosas, es la forma más #Tellista de decirle a la Virgen María que la queremos mucho por ser nuestra Madre, Maestra y Amiga. #AnimoyAdelante #contigosicontigosiempre #colegiosanjosémadridh

Story Friday in E. Infantil

Viernes de cuento

A Friday story in the classes of 4 and 5 years Thank you very much to all the families who are participating ... ! The children end the day very excited! #colegiosanjosémadrid #admisiones2023 #conocenuestrocentro

Book Day 2023

Dia del Libro

The celebration of World Book Day dates back to the early twentieth century. The history of the book becomes festive and literary activities arise throughout the planet and how could it be otherwise, also in our #ColegioSanJoséMadrid That is why we have celebrated in advance the #DIAINTERNACIONALDELLIBRO Read, explore and [...]

Easter Agape

We ended our Easter week of prayer by sharing our lunches in class. Thus we realize the memory of the agape that the Risen Jesus made with his apostles on the shores of Lake Tiberias. Be joyful and bear witness! Hallelujah, hallelujah, Jesus is risen! #conocenuestrocentro #contigosicontigosiempre


Hakuna Concierto

Today, March 25, thanks to the edelvives Foundation, we share testimonies and music, looking back at what sustains us, at the ROOT that sustains us as educators and evangelizers. A root that sinks deep (IN), that generates the sap that is born from the encounter with Jesus and the church (AND) to nurture commitment (OUT). [...]

San Jose Festival 2023

Salón de actos

We celebrated a party full of emotions, laughter and a lot of rhythm. Congratulations to parents, students and teachers for making it possible once again. Next year, we will come back stronger. Thank you! #contigosicontigosiempre #ColegioSanJosé #PuertasAbiertas #conocenuestrocentro #festival2023


San José School Concerted education

NEXT SATURDAY, MARCH 18 AT 12 noon, 2nd Open Day for all families who are interested in knowing our educational project and applying for a place in our Center. You will receive information about the educational model, the methodology and those most relevant aspects of our ideology. We will also solve all doubts about [...]


San José School Concerted education

After several years without seeing each other... we return to the charge! SAN JOSÉ FESTIVAL 2023. Dances, recreational and sports activities for adults and children, the traditional beach bar by our 4th ESO students and their families and our summit act with the Eucharist in honor of San José. Are you going to miss it? #contigosicontigosiempre [...]