As a consequence of the reality detected at present, we chose to mark some lines of preferential educational action.
These actions are supported and based on different reference framework documents for our center and other common ones for the different HMMI schools.
Our Educational Project of the Center has been updated and adapted to current needs in accordance with current regulations and lines of the educational and formative charism of our institution.
With all this we intend to:
Achieving that the Management Team is the engine that dynamizes and unites all the members and sectors involved in the education of the center, to offer a quality service.
Conveniently preparing teachers, so that they feel strongly motivated and carry out their work with a good pedagogical and didactic training.
Preparing students to build themselves as people, and to develop their skills in order to be agents of fair and supportive changes in society.
Understanding education as the progressive formation of the person, educating in values and preparing students to face life with a Christian, courageous and committed attitude.
Creating in the School a climate of trust, joy, responsibility and collaboration that spring from dialogue, service, dedication and mutual understanding, and that translates into a respectful, simple and close treatment between those who make up the educational community.
Giving to the tutorial action the importance and the role it has in the human and Christian formation of our students.
Favoring the knowledge and mutual appreciation of the entire educational community, to share responsibly the educational project that moves and directs the activities of the School.
Creating spaces for meeting and collaboration between parents, learners and educators, to harmonize and share educational action.
Increasing teamwork in order to achieve greater effectiveness of the educational action of the center.
The San José School is a private concerted center of Infant, Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education that is located in the district of Tetuán of Madrid.
Digital Kit Programme funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Development by © GlobalEduca Universe
Digital Kit Programme funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Development by © GlobalEduca Universe