Directora Titular: Sor María Elena Hernández González.
Director Académico de Educación Infantil y Primaria: D. Mario Antonio Serrano Albillo.
Directora Académica de la ESO: Dña. Marta Espejo Garrido.
Delegada de Pastoral: Dña. Angelina Ramírez Camarero.
Administradora: Sor María Josefa Cabezas.
Presidenta: D. Mario Antonio Serrano Albillo.
Representatives of the ownership of the Center:
Dña. Mª Josefa Cabezas.
Mrs. Ángeles Sánchez Fernández.
Dña. Mª Elena Hernández González.
Faculty representatives:
Mr. Roberto Carpintero García.
Mrs. Esther Miranda Manzaneque.
Mrs. Leticia Fernández Garrido.
Mrs. Ana Peñas Preckler.
Parent representatives:
Mrs. Mª Laura Ramírez Bueno.
Mrs. Sonia Callejo García.
Mrs. Lorena Micheletti.
Mrs. Diana Angélica Canteso.
Student representative:
Mr. Miguel Hernández Redondo.
Representative of non-teaching staff:
Mrs. Rosana Ramírez Camarero.
Mrs. Rosana Ramírez Camarero.
Mrs. Victoria Mañas García.
Mrs. Ramona Sánchez Fernández.
Responsible for the dining room and authorized contributions:
Mrs. Adela Méndez Rodríguez.
Plan de Pastoral: D. Angelina Ramírez Camarero
Coexistence Plan: Mrs. Amaya Aranda García.
Plan BEDA: Dña. Ana Peñas Preckler
Innovation Plan: Ms. Luisa Vallejo Romero.
Stage Coordinators:
Educación Infantil: Doña Letizia Fernández Garrido
Educación Primaria: Doña Esther Miranda Manzaneque.
Educación Secundaria: Doña Andrea Jiménez Pérez
Student welfare coordinator: Ms. Amaya Aranda García.
COMPDIGEDU, Marketing and Advertising: Mr. Mario Antonio Serrano Albillo.
3-year-old tutor: Ms. Leticia Fernández Garrido
4-year-old tutor: Ms. Verónica González Martins
5-year-old tutor: Ms. Angelina Ramírez Camarero
Support Teacher/Therapeutic Pedagogy: Mr. Alberto Javier Núñez Sagredo and Mrs. Rut Pérez Gómez.
Children's Director: Don Mario Antonio Serrano Albillo
Tutor of 1st PRIMARY: Mrs. Pilar Toro Montealegre.
Tutor of 2nd PRIMARY: Mrs. Marina Hernández Fernández.
Tutor of 3rd PRIMARY: Mrs. Cristina Marugán Navarro.
Tutor of 4th PRIMARY: Mrs. Esther Miranda Manzaneque.
Tutor of 5th PRIMARY: Mr. Ignacio Nuevo Nuevo.
Tutor of 6th PRIMARY: Mrs. Amaya Aranda García.
Professor Ed. Physics: D. Ignacio Nuevo Nuevo.
English and Computer Science Teacher: Mr. Mario Antonio Serrano Albillo.
Religion and Support Teacher: Ms. Elena Hernández González
Counselor and PT: Mrs. Esther Ballesteros Fernández.
Support Teacher/Therapeutic Pedagogy: Mr. Alberto Javier Núñez Sagredo and Mrs. Rut Pérez Gómez.
Primary Director: Don Mario Antonio Serrano Albillo
Tutor of 1º ESO: Mrs. Laura Orejas Martínez
Tutora de 2º ESO: Dña. Ana Peñas Preckler
Tutora de 3º ESO: Dña. Andrea Jiménez Pérez
Tutora de 1º Diversificación: Luisa Vallejo Romero
Tutor de 4º ESO: Dña. Carmen Bilbao Sánchez Tutor 2º Diversificación: Doña Esperanza Caro Perdigón.
Professor of Ed. Physics: D. Fernando Ramos Parra.
Professor of Plastic and Visual: Mrs. Esperanza Caro Perdigón.
Profesora de Religión: Dña. Maria Elena Hernández González
French Teacher: Mrs. Cristina Pérez García.
Profesora de Música: D. Gabriel Simbad Manzanares
Profesora de Tecnologías y TIC: Dña. Carmen Bilbao Sánchez. Profesor de Música y Filosofía : D. Marcos Muños Adeva Orientador : D. Roberto Carpintero García.
Directora Académica de ESO. Doña Marta Espejo Garrido.
The San José School is a private concerted center of Infant, Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education that is located in the district of Tetuán of Madrid.
Digital Kit Programme funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Development by © GlobalEduca Universe
Digital Kit Programme funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Development by © GlobalEduca Universe