The purpose of compulsory secondary education is to ensure that students acquire the basic elements of culture, especially in its humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological aspects; to develop and consolidate study and work habits; Prepare students for their incorporation into further studies and for their labor insertion, and train them for the exercise of their rights and obligations in life as citizens.
At Colegio San José we give special importance during this stage to personal and professional guidance. We carry out splits in instrumental subjects and we have Curricular Diversification programs.
ESO is a fundamental stage in the training and education of our students both personally, academically and psychologically.
The role of the teacher is fundamental, in the design of tasks or learning situations that enable the resolution of problems, the application of the knowledge learned and the promotion of the activity in the teachers.
We try that our students, according to their abilities and interests, can achieve their goals. We work on all this through competences. This competence-based learning is characterized by its transversality, its dynamism and its integral character.
We will also work on cooperative learning, creating and using different groups of students always taking into account the interdependence, interaction, individual and group responsibility.
Our methodology is also based on the use of new technologies: computers, digital whiteboards in order to Motivate students to study.
We carry out internships in the Chemistry Laboratories and in the Technology workshops in order to awaken interest in science and experimentation.
Language teaching is encouraged: English and French with the presence of the English conversation assistant for all the courses of the stage.
We inform and train families about the Your child's teaching-learning process so that academic results are as satisfactory as possible.
We give special importance to the attention to diversity to respond to the specific educational needs of students and to the achievement to the greatest extent possible, of the basic competences and the objectives of the stage. The necessary measures are taken so that students with greater or lesser aptitudes and motivation, see their expectations met and can achieve the maximum development of their abilities.
Among the measures are ordinary support measures, we have compensatory education for 1st and 2nd year and PMAR programs for 3rd, initial professional qualification programs, and specific support measures for students with special educational needs.
In 4th year of ESO students must choose between two trajectories or Itineraries differentiated with the aim of preparing students so that they can carry out Baccalaureate studies.
Mandatory Specific Compulsory Core Compulsory
– Geography and History (3 h)
– Spanish Language and Literature (4 h)
– Foreign Language: English (4 h) – Physical Education (2 h)
– Religion (2 h)
(Mark the chosen itinerary)
For Academic Teachings For Applied Teachings
Oriented to a Baccalaureate of Sciences Oriented to a Baccalaureate of Social Sciences or Humanities Oriented to Vocational Training
– Mathematics Oriented to Academic Teachings (4 h) – Mathematics Oriented to Applied Teachings (4 h)
Option Trunks Option Trunks Option Trunks
– Biology and Geology (3 h)
– Physics and Chemistry (3 h) – Economics (3 h)
– Technology (3 h)
(Choose one of the following two)
– Sciences Applied to Professional Activity (3 h)
– Initiation to Entrepreneurial and Business Activity (3 h)
The San José School is a private concerted center of Infant, Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education that is located in the district of Tetuán of Madrid.
Digital Kit Programme funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Development by © GlobalEduca Universe
Digital Kit Programme funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan
Development by © GlobalEduca Universe